Terms & Conditions
Martin`s Travel Limited is a UK registered company (reg. number 15222482, registered by Companies House, Cardiff, UK on 28 May 1997, registered office: 32 Addison Grove, Chiswick, London W4 1ER) based at 202 Kensington Church Street, London, W8 4DP, UK, contact phone number: +44 207 985 1234, e-mail address: info@martins.travel
Acceptance of terms

By using this website, you agree to be legally bound by all terms of this Agreement. We reserve the right to change the terms of this Agreement or to change, modify or otherwise alter any features of this website at any time and for any purpose without notice. In the case of a typographical error or technological error causing a mistake in the price or list of the documents to be shown, IBS VP reserves the right to correct the error and to charge you the correct price or require the correct documents.

Liability for Wasted Costs and Expenses

Martin`s Travel shall have no liability to any clients, or any other persons relying on or benefiting from any visa application, for any commitment, cost or expenditure incurred in reliance on or anticipation of receiving a visa, whether within a particular timescale or at all, including but not limited to air travel, hotel, and other travel and accommodation arrangements, and any other arrangements made.Martin`s Travel recommends that you do not purchase tickets or make bookings which cannot be cancelled prior to the issuance of a visa, except where it is a specific requirement stated as part of the visa application, in which case open tickets should be obtained.

Your holiday contract terms and conditions
This contract is between Martin’s Travel, a UK-registered company (Company number: 15222482, registered with Companies House, Cardiff, UK on 28 May 1997), with its registered office at 32 Addison Grove, Chiswick, London W4 1ER, and its operating address at 202 Kensington Church Street, London, W8 4DP, UK.
Contact Number: +44 207 985 1234
Email: info@martins.travel

This contract (including all matters arising from it) is governed by English Law and the jurisdiction of the English Courts. However, you may choose the law and jurisdiction of Scotland or Northern Ireland if you reside there and wish to do so.

We accept bookings through various methods, including telephone, email, and via our website. To secure your booking, you must pay a deposit of 10% of your selected land-only travel arrangements (minimum £100) plus the flight ticket quote (for flight-inclusive packages). The person making the booking must be at least 18 years old and have the authority to accept these conditions on behalf of all persons listed in the booking.
Clients booking through any method will be deemed to have signed the Declaration on the booking form, confirming their agreement to all terms and conditions. A contract is formed between Martin’s Travel and the client only when a confirmation invoice is issued.
Please Note: Our tours often require considerable walking (up to 6 hours daily). Clients who may require assistance are advised to book special assistance for £45.

Payment for Your Holiday
The remaining balance must be paid no later than 56 days before departure. If booking within 56 days of departure, full payment is required at the time of booking. Failure to pay the balance will result in cancellation, and cancellation charges will apply as per Section 7 below. All monies paid to an agent on behalf of Martin's Travel are held on our behalf.

Consumer Protection
All holidays and flights booked through Martin's Travel are ATOL-protected (ATOL number 10534). In the event of insolvency, the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) ensures your protection, either by refunding payments or ensuring you are not stranded abroad. For further details, visit the ATOL website at www.atol.org.uk.

Changes by You
If your travel plans change, we will do our best to accommodate the changes. However, changes may incur additional costs, and alterations closer to the departure date will likely be more expensive. Requests for changes must be made in writing by the person who booked or through your travel agent.

Your Financial Protection
When you purchase an ATOL-protected flight or holiday, you will receive an ATOL Certificate. This document details the services covered, your protection, and who to contact if things go wrong. If Martin's Travel or the suppliers identified in the certificate are unable to provide the services listed, an alternative ATOL holder may provide the services at no additional cost. In the case of insolvency, the Trustees of the Air Travel Trust may step in to provide compensation. By accepting such compensation, you assign any related claims to these Trustees.

Cancellation by You
You, or any member of your party, may cancel your travel arrangements at any time. Written notification from the person who made the booking or your travel agent on your behalf must be received at our offices. Cancellation charges as shown below will be applicable and are calculated from the day when the written notification is received by the Company or the agent. Cancellation charges displayed as a percentage are calculated based on the land-only price of the travel arrangements, including surcharges. The land-only price does not include visas, visa processing fees and insurance premium, which cannot be refunded under any circumstances.
Cancellations for flight tickets: Advertised airfare guaranteed only for groups of 10 people. We strongly recommend you take out insurance against irrecoverable cancellation costs. Minimum group size is 10. No more than 2 splits are allowed for group bookings, only in case of changing return date. Deposit of 50% (non-refundable) must be paid 21 days before travelling, and all remaining money must be paid 14 days before departure date. Deposit cannot be offset against final group size. A refund is not permitted. All no-shows will result in seat cancellation. Names must be received no later than 21 days before departure date, otherwise seats booked without names will be cancelled. Passengers’ name changes are not permitted.

Period before departure within which notice of cancellation received by us
More than 56 days – Deposit Only
Between 43 and 56 days – 25%
Between 29 and 42 days – 50%
Between 15 and 28 days – 75%
14 days or less – 100%

Changes by us
While the company will use its best endeavours to operate all tours as advertised, it reserves the right to change any of the facilities, services, prices or itineraries described on our website (our brochure) and we reserve the right to do so at any time. The day-to-day agenda and ultimate goal of the trip are taken as aims and not as contractual obligations. It is a necessary condition of your joining any of our tours that you accept this flexibility. Most of these changes will be minor and we will notify you or your travel agent of them at the earliest possible date. In case of such changes, there is no entitlement to cancel without penalty. If we have to make a major change to your holiday such as a change to your departure airport (except between London airports), major itinerary rerouting, a significant change in the duration of your holiday, a lower than expected standard of accommodation or a change of departure time (but not a flight delay) of more than 24 hours (12 hours for tours of 10 days or less) resulting in a significant inconvenience with regard to your travel arrangements, we will notify you as soon as reasonably possible, if there is time before departure. If advised of a major change before departure, you will have the choice of (1) accepting the changes (at additional cost if applicable), (2) purchasing another available tour from the Company, or (3) cancelling the tour with a full refund. In the event that we notify you of a major change, you must let us know within 3 days of such notification which option you would like to accept. We will also pay compensation as detailed below, unless the major change arises due to reasons of Force Majeure:
Period of notification given to you
More than 56 days – Nil
Between 43 and 56 days – Nil
Between 29 and 42 days – 15 GBP
Between 15 and 28 days – 15 GBP
14 days or less – 30 GBP

Cancellation by Us
Whilst we hope we will never have to cancel your holiday, we reserve the right to do so. If we have to cancel your holiday, we will inform you or your travel agent as soon as reasonably possible and providing there is time before your departure. Should it be necessary to cancel your trip, we will do our utmost to offer alternative travel arrangements of equivalent or similar standards. Alternatively, we will provide a full and prompt refund (please note airline conditions of contract) and will pay you compensation on the scale shown in the section above. Compensation will not be payable if we cancel your travel arrangements for (1) reasons of Force Majeure, (2) inadequate insurance cover, (3) consolidation due to minimum numbers not being attained or (4) failure by you to pay the final balance. You will not be entitled to make any further claim for compensation or damages for any loss, consequential damage, expenses, loss of time or inconvenience which may result from any such cancellation.

Force Majeure
We will not pay you compensation if we have to cancel or change your travel arrangements in any way because of war, riot, industrial dispute, terrorist activity, actions of government authorities, natural or nuclear disaster, fire, adverse weather conditions or other unforeseen circumstances that may amount to force majeure.

To take part in one of our tours, you must be covered by adequate insurance for the complete duration of your trip. Clients together with their personal property including baggage are at all times solely at their own risk. Clients are wholly responsible for arranging their own insurance. We can arrange insurance for clients under 65 years old; alternatively, you can arrange it through “insureandgo”. Clients not taking out our specially arranged travel insurance are responsible for ensuring that they are in possession of private travel insurance for the full duration of the tour in respect of at least medical expenses, injury, death, cost of repatriation, helicopter evacuation and cancellation of the travel arrangements and curtailment, with adequate cover. Clients making their own arrangements should ensure that there are no exclusion clauses limiting protection for the type of activities included in the tour. You should satisfy yourself that any travel insurance arranged through the Company is what you require and should arrange supplementary insurance if needs be. We reserve the right to cancel your booking at any time before departure if we are not satisfied that adequate insurance for you is in place.

You must be aware that the travel services industry in many destinations worldwide continues to develop and in some cases may not be to the standard of European delivery and expectations.If you have a problem during your holiday, you must report this immediately to our local representative or agent and the relevant supplier. You must also obtain written evidence of the complaint while you are away. If your complaint is not resolved locally, please follow this up within 28 days of your return home by writing to us, giving your booking reference and all other relevant information. If you do not take these steps, you will deny us the opportunity of either resolving the problem on the spot or investigating it fully, and any entitlement you may have to compensation may be extinguished. We are also unable to consider any claim after 28 days and where the assistance or advice of our local representatives has been unsought, rejected or ignored.
Our liability to you. Our obligations, and those of our suppliers providing any service or facility included in the tour, are to use reasonable skill and care to arrange for the provision of such services and facilities and, where we or our supplier are actually providing the service or facility, to do so with reasonable skill and care. If you wish to make any claim, you must show that reasonable skill and care has not been used. Standards of, for example, safety, hygiene and quality can vary throughout the transport and destinations that your holiday may involve. Sometimes, these standards may be lower than those which would be expected to be found in the UK. The services and facilities included in your travel arrangements will be deemed to be provided with reasonable skill and care if they comply with any local regulations which apply or, in case there are no applicable local regulations, if they are reasonable when compared to the local standards and customs.

For claims which do not involve death or personal injury, we accept liability should any part of the tour arrangements booked with us not be supplied as described in the tour programme and should we/our suppliers fail to satisfy the obligations detailed above.For claims which involve death or personal injury as a result of an activity forming part of your tour, we accept, and will only have liability, should we/our suppliers fail to satisfy the obligations detailed above. If we have liability, we will pay you reasonable compensation.

We shall have no liability where the cause of the failure to provide, or failure in, your travel arrangements or any death or personal injury you may suffer is not due to any fault on our part or our suppliers, because: a) the reason for the failure in the tour arrangements was the client’s fault; or b) such failures are attributable to the actions of someone unconnected with the tour arrangements; or c) such failures are due to unforeseeable circumstances which could not have been avoided by the Company or its suppliers even if all due care had been exercised.
If any international convention applies to or governs any of the services or facilities included in the tour arranged or provided by us, or provided by any of our suppliers, and you make a claim against us of any nature arising out of death, injury, loss or damage suffered during or as a result of the provision of those services or facilities, our liability to pay you compensation and/or the amount (if any) of compensation payable to you by us will be limited in accordance with and/or in an identical manner to that provided for by the international convention concerned (in each case including in respect of the conditions of liability, the time for bringing any claim and the type and amount of any damages that can be awarded). International conventions which may apply include: in respect of international air travel, the Warsaw Convention (including as amended by the Hague Protocol 1955 and by any of the additional Montreal Protocol 1975) or the Montreal Convention 1999, in respect of rail travel, the Berne Convention 1961, in respect of carriage by sea, the Athens Convention 1974, in respect of carriage by road, the Geneva Convention 1973; and, in respect of hotels, the Paris Convention 1962.If you choose to issue court proceedings in respect of a claim against us, you must do so within 2 years of your return from your tour or within 2 years of first discovering the matters giving rise to the claim, if this is later. If you don’t, then our liability to you will be limited in all cases to a sum of GBP100.
You must, if we are adjudged to have, or if we accept, liability for a claim that you make, assign to us or our insurers, as we require, all your rights that you may have against any of our servants, agents or suppliers which is in any way responsible for the failure of your holiday or any death or personal injury you may suffer. You must also cooperate with us in any claim we choose to bring against any third party which we, in our discretion, deem to be so responsible.
Other than as set out above, and as is detailed elsewhere in these booking conditions, we shall have no legal liability whatsoever to you for any loss, damage, personal injury or death which you may suffer arising directly or indirectly from any aspect of your holiday.

Independent arrangements/excursions. Any independent arrangements that you make and which are not part of the tour are entirely at your own risk.

Passports, visas, health. We provide assistance in processing visas. Clients are responsible for arranging a visa to their travel destination and must be in possession of a valid passport and any visas required for the whole journey, and we accept no responsibility in the event that these are not secured in time for departure.

Recommended inoculations for travel may change at any time and you should consult your doctor on current recommendations before you depart. Health requirements for your holiday destination are outlined in the Department of Health leaflet entitled ‘The Traveller’s Guide to Health’ (T4), which is available by calling 0800 555 777. It is your responsibility to ensure that you obtain the recommended inoculations, take all recommended medication and follow all medical advice in relation to your trip.
Air ticketing terms and conditions

Terms and conditions
Any booking made or order placed by you, whether through the www.ibsvp.co.uk website or otherwise, shall be deemed an offer by you to purchase the relevant items subject to these booking conditions. Note that IBS VP is selling the tickets as agents for the airlines, which means the contract for the flight product will be between you and the airline.
Please note that for each ticket, there are additional terms which are specific to that fare. They may, for example, state that the ticket is non-cancellable or non-refundable, and have other information relating to itinerary and refunds. You must read the FLIGHT RULES for each ticket. You can find the relevant FLIGHT RULES on the airline’s website or by requesting them over the phone when you progress through the purchasing process.
You are responsible for complying with any airline’s terms in relation to check-in times, reconfirmation of flights or other matters. In relation to flight tickets, you are required to use all flight coupons in order of sequence. If this requirement is not met, the airline may void the ticket.
Any flights will be subject to the General Conditions of Carriage and Conditions of Contract of the airline concerned. Such flights will also be subject to international law, which often limits the airline’s liability to passengers in respect of death or bodily injury, delay or damage to baggage. Any flight cancellations due to reasons of force majeure will be processed according to the airline ticket rules.

All fares are quoted exclusive of taxes, plus the tax amount and then a total. These are added together to form your final quotation. Fares are subject to change without prior notice and are only guaranteed following confirmation of the contract.
Please note: should full payment of the outstanding amounts not be received by IBS VP within 14 days of the payment due date according to the invoice, your account will incur a statutory penalty and interest pursuant to the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (interest) Act 1998 as amended and supplemented by the Late Payment of Commercial Debts Regulations 2002, and be referred to a Debt Recovery Agency acting for and on behalf of DHL, for recovery of the principal sum, penalty and interest, and to whom all communication and payment will need to be directed.
To avoid this action, please ensure that full payment is sent immediately to Martin`s Travel at the address on your invoice.

In the vast majority of cases, Martin`s Travel becomes aware of the availability of flights tickets for sale because it connects to large databases operated by third parties, which contain that availability. These databases are commonly called General Distribution Systems (GDS) or Central Reservation Systems (CRS), and it is through these GDS/CRS that Martin`s Travel purchases the relevant ticket.
Be aware that certain airlines do not maintain “real time” seat availability in the GDS/CRS. Whilst every effort is made to reflect the true situation, instances may occur when airlines cancel sales. IBS VP will advise you within 48 hours if this is the case and will do all they can to reinstate your booking.
Further, there are a tiny number of airlines which participate in the GDS/CRS, but do not participate in the UK Ticketing Plan. In the unlikely event that you purchase tickets from an airline that does not participate in the UK Ticketing Plan, Globepost will be unable to issue the relevant tickets, and will have to terminate the reservation.
In either instance, we will not be liable for any additional costs incurred in having to purchase new tickets at a higher fare. Payment for tickets will of course be refunded to you if the reservation is terminated by the airline or us.
1. Flight Reconfirmation
In the event of a schedule change, it is not always necessary to have your tickets revalidated. However, in the event that this is necessary, we will inform you in due course and issue new tickets for you to use on your journey.
2. Cancellation / Amendments
If you need to change or cancel your travel plans, it is your responsibility to notify Maritn`s Travel of such a request. Please note that some tickets are non-refundable and/or do not allow changes.
Where changes/refunds are permitted by the airline, Martin`s Travel applies an administration fee of £20 per person for any modifications, changes or cancellations to fares. This will be regardless of the price or face value of the fare. Please note: this fee is also charged in cases of airport tax refunds, when the fare is non-refundable. Any booking fees or credit card charges are non-refundable.
In addition to the Martin`s Travel charges, most airlines also have a penalty or cancellation fee for any changes or cancellations to fares. Please ensure you read the FLIGHT RULES for the fare selected, as cancellation and amendment charges imposed by the airline are notified in the flight rules. If you are holding a booking for which a ticket has been issued and you do not notify us of your desire to cancel, this will be treated as a “no show” and could result in you losing all that you have paid.
If you want to cancel your journey, it is important that you notify us with the utmost urgency. This enables us to cancel your reservation with the airline. To notify us of your request for an amendment or cancellation, please contact our Customer Services Team by telephone or via email.
Those tickets which are refundable or cancelled by us will be processed and refunded back to the card used at time of booking. Please be advised that the cancellation process could take up to 4 weeks from receipt of the ticket. Some tickets may need to be submitted to the airline for the cancellation and/or refund to be authorised. In this event, your refund request may take longer, but we will advise you in our acknowledgement of the expected turnaround period. Please note that most airlines do not refund on part-used tickets. Tickets which are returned more than 1 year from date of issue are classified as expired tickets and must be submitted to the airline for their authority to refund.
The type of tickets which will be issued for your booking depends on the airline and route you are booking. The majority of airlines are increasingly issuing electronic tickets, and IBS VP will issue electronic tickets whenever the itinerary permits (airlines now insist that e-tickets are issued in these circumstances).
Due to IATA’s withdrawal of paper tickets from all IATA travel agents effective 1 June 2008, only e-tickets may now be issued for scheduled flights. There may be a small number of cases where an e-ticket cannot be issued. In these instances, Martin`s Travel will endeavour to notify you within 2 working days, and let you know what alternative options may be possible.
You should ensure that you travel with your booking confirmations, e-tickets and any other travel documentation at all times. We will not be liable for any supplier not providing you with the booked product or service if you do not produce such documentation.

It is your responsibility to advise us if you do not receive your tickets/e-tickets.
IBS VP cannot accept responsibility if you fail to receive your e-tickets due to providing an inaccurate email address or your junk email settings. We recommend that you add info@martins.travel to your safe list.
Once documents leave our offices, we will not be responsible for their loss unless such loss is due to our negligence. If tickets or other documents need to be reissued, all costs must be paid by you.
The company reserves the right to charge further postage fees for re-sending your tickets.ck.

Outbound department (hotels, transfers and other services)

We accept bookings in several ways: over the telephone, email or via our website. Clients booking over the phone, on the website, by email or facsimile will be deemed to have signed the Declaration on the booking form meaning that you (and any other person on whose behalf you book) agree to accept all of these conditions and you acknowledge that you have read the relevant trip dossier on our website (or our brochure). You also warrant that the information given by you on the booking form is complete and true. A booking is accepted and becomes definite only from the date the Company sends a confirmation invoice. It is at this point that a contract between the Company and the client comes into existence.

Changes by you
We understand that sometimes your travel plans may change and we will do our best to assist you in altering your arrangements after booking, but cannot guarantee this will be possible. If alterations can be made, all further costs incurred will be charged to you. Any request for changes must be made in writing from the person who made the booking or your travel agent. You should be aware that costs incurred in changing a booking could increase the closer to the departure date they are made, and you should therefore contact us as soon as possible.

Cancellation by you
You, or any member of your party, may cancel your travel arrangements at any time. Written notification from the person who made the booking or your travel agent on your behalf must be received at our offices. Cancellation charges as shown below will be applicable and are calculated from the day when the written notification is received by the Company or the agent. Cancellation charges displayed as a percentage are calculated based on the land-only price of the travel arrangements, including surcharges.
Cancellation of the booking £10.00
Refunds – administrative fees £10.00
Amendements: free
Amendements outside working hours: £20.00
Cancellation of the booking outside working hours: £20.00

Force Majeure
We will not pay you compensation if we have to cancel or change your travel arrangements in any way because of war, riot, industrial dispute, terrorist activity, actions of government authorities, natural or nuclear disaster, fire, adverse weather conditions or other unforeseen circumstances that may amount to force majeure.

You must be aware that the travel services industry in many destinations continues to develop and in some cases may not be to the standard of European delivery and expectations. We are not responsible for the service provided during your train, plane, and bus journey.

Affiliates/Third Party Services/Referrals


Martin`s Travel may pay a commission in the form of a referral fee to any companies that refer business to us, and by agreeing to these terms and conditions, you are acknowledging that we have disclosed these business and financial agreements to you.


In certain cases, Martin`s Travel may receive royalties, commissions, referral fees and all marketing contributions from third parties where we refer users of www.ibsvp.co.uk to external websites that are not under the control of Martin`s Travel. Martin`s Travel does not accept any liability or responsibility for the services provided by a third party. We do not endorse and shall not be held responsible or liable for any content, advertising, products or services on or available from such websites or material.

Privacy Rights

We collect and process personal data only in strict compliance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and associated legislation.

Martin`s Travel has legal obligations, under the Data Protection Act 2018, to collect any personal information that you provide to us fairly. Martin`s Travel will hold your personal information securely. Manual destruction of files, records and computer print-outs containing sensitive data is carried out in a secure way by internally shredding.

Due to privacy laws, Martin`s Travel employees are unable to discuss your personal details with any third party enquiring on your behalf (including family) unless you provide your consent authorising us to do so.

NewsletterBy filling in the online booking form on the www.ibsvp.co.uk website (visa, tours), you agree to receive regular email updates from IBS VP. You may remove your email address from our database at any time by sending an email to info@ibsvp.co.uk with the subject “Unsubscribe”, No reason need be provided, or click the “unsubscribe” button in the e-mail body.


By filling in the online booking form on the www.ibsvp.co.uk website (visa, tours), you agree to receive regular email updates from Martin`s Travel. You may remove your email address from our database at any time by sending an email to info@ibsvp.co.uk with the subject  “Unsubscribe”, No reason need be provided, or click the “unsubscribe” button in the e-mail body.


By filling in the online booking form on the www.ibsvp.co.uk website (visa, tours), you agree to receive regular email updates from Martin`s Travel. You may remove your email address from our database at any time by sending an email to info@ibsvp.co.uk with the subject  “Unsubscribe”, No reason need be provided, or click the “unsubscribe” button in the e-mail body.

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